Sunday 5 July 2009

And now we're Truly Suburban

Today we went to B&Q to get some some plastic hooks and a bit of metal rod my Beloved needed for some bike-related thing or other.
Naturally enough we returned with an 8ft trampoline, because, philosophically speaking, what is a suburban* child-infested garden when it lacks a trampoline? Besides it'll wear the little b*ggers out! And was on a special offer.
The picture above shows my Beloved and his father (who'd dropped by for a bit, not knowing what he was letting himself in for) putting the trampoline together ably hindered by the Boy and his friend.

And today's second picture shows the Boy in action, some time later!

Actually it took a surprisingly short time to put together. And was suitably enjoyed by the offspring and their friends :-).

* To make matters even more suburban and middle-class we stopped at the farmers' market on the way home. But letting the side down rather we didn't buy anything and our next port of call was Lidl :-D.

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