Saturday 4 October 2008

It's not easy being green.

Today our tv gave up the ghost. C had been wanting a fancy telly for ages but couldn't justify it really - so he did have a look of suppressed delight when I told him the telly wasn't working properly and that Chris and Pui* had turned green. A quick google confirmed it probably wasn't worth getting repaired. Fortunately he had been saving his pennies for just such an occasion!
I was out at a friend's beauty night tonight (had a facial, it was brilliant), so C had the evening to play with the new telly. And watch Sharpe.

Excuse the toy mountain in the foreground - usually they're more thinly scattered..
*For Mum, Dad and Hopalong - Chris and Pui are CBeebies presenters. Not usually green. It was like being in the Emerald City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurrah, new tech! All praise be to the gods of consumerism.

Sadly, I made the mistake of buying a stupendously reliable Sony CRT 7 years ago, so by the time it fails I'll be torn between holgraphic TV and direct-to-mind video transmission.

Though my 19" monitor is starting to look a bit dodgy now* so I may have to upgrade...

*Well, been dodgy since 1997 so it may last a few years yet before totally conking out... curses!

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