Friday 12 September 2008

Get out the spirit-level!

Perfect fringe!

Miss Mouse had her first 'proper' (i.e. hairdresser) haircut today - this is the immediate aftermath. She has a mouth full of 'bitsit', which was her reward for being quite outstandingly well-behaved while her hair was being cut. I asked her to smile for the camera and she obligingly smirked :-D.


Sheena said...

Aww! Very cute.
Harriet calls them Bicksits now, after a long time calling them bigots!

Claire Young said...

Very cute - and she must have sat very still. A well deserved 'bitsit'!

Jo said...

See, sensible Mummys take their kids to the hairdresser.

She does look very sweet, but very grown up! What's happened to our babies?


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